Movie Player enjoy your HD video. You can watch tv,show,movie video on your phone. Movie Player is the best video player HD. Enjoy high quality videos plays smoothly. The easiest phone video player has a powerful video decoding capability to easily support you play almost all video files stored on your phone. Watch The TV shows, movies, videos as well as locally stored FLV, MKV , MP4 , MP3 , AVI , MOV , WAV , FLAC video files. Android operating system which allows you to watch all popular video formats on your phone or tablet.Movie Player Feature:* lists all video files*Smooth HD playback for your Video Files.* Supports auto-rotation, aspect-ratio adjustments.* Thumbnail preview of the Video Files.* Support for all video formats* Video zoom options (aspect, full, custom)* Brightness and Volume Adjustment* Quick start and smooth and easy playback with video resume
Other supported video format : "3g2", "3gp", "3gp2", "3gpp", "amv", "asf", "avi", "divx", "drc", "dv", "f4v", "flv", "gvi", "gxf", "m1v", "m2v", "m2t", "m2ts", “m3v”,"m4v", "mkv", "mov", "mp2", "mp2v", "mp4", "mp4v", "mpe", “mov”,”ac3”,”m3u”,"m3u8”,”amv”,"mpeg", "mpeg1", "mpeg2", "mpeg4", "mpg", "mpv2", "mts", "mtv", "mxf", "mxg", "nsv", "nuv", "ogm", "ogv", "ogx", "ps", "rec", "rm", "rmvb", "tod", "ts", "tts", "vob", "vro", "webm", "wm", "wmv", "wtv", "xesc"
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